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Saturday, January 17, 2004

Fat People are Everywhere

Last night we went out to see Jerry Seinfeld at the Wang.

We had dinner at the Rock Bottom Restaurant beforehand.

Those toothpick chicken things are enough for two skinny people to share for dinner. At the table across from us, they were enough for a medium sized girl to have as her appetiser.

Two tables away, there was a whole group of people. I said to my wife, "Hey look over there, all those people work at a fat company. They are all fat!"

She told me that they were there for a family function. Ha. It all became clear later on, when a skinny daughter-in-law joined the group.

Walking acroos the street took all the strength I could muster. Those winds in front of the Starbucks are brutal. I wished I had a fat person with me to anchor me down.

Mario Joyner was the opening act. He kept it to a tight 30 minutes because Jerry doesn't like it when he goes long.

Jerry was very funny.

He told stories, drank water, and walked around the stage.

Everyone had a great time.

Especially the two fat ladies who were three rows behind us.

They were loud.

Jerry would say something like, "It's cold."

The fat ladies would let out a piercing scream in response and yell, "Oh yes Jerry! You're right it's cold!"

Jerry would say, "I have two children at home now."

The fat ladies would shriek, "Aeiiiiiiiiiiiii! Jeeeeeeeee-rrrrrrrrrrry! Wooooo-hooooooooo!"

After the show Jerry took questions from the audience and these women statred screaming, "The Kenny Kramer Tour."

Jerry heard them and explained what Kenny Kramer is doing in NYC, and the women just kept yelling, "We loved it! It was great!"

I bet Jerry went back stage and took some notes, on these women, to use in the next show.

I can just image his opening:

"Well it's sure cold outside. You seem like a nice crowd. Let me tell you about the last group, there were these two fat ladies..."